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The Thompson Primary , Ballyclare


2023/2024 School Year

4th Oct 2023
Great news! Our new School Council has been elected. The children are looking...
4th Oct 2023
P1 have been working on their listening skills during September. We have listened...
3rd Oct 2023
Clicks ICT group learnt how to log on and update passwords. We loved playing a fun...
3rd Oct 2023
We enjoyed making tin foil animals linked to our Animal Allsorts topic.
3rd Oct 2023
Every week we have ABL involving Science, Technology, Maths, ICT and other areas.
3rd Oct 2023
Every week in Term 1, P6 go swimming at the local leisure centre. They love using...
3rd Oct 2023
P6 have made a great start to their P6 AR journey. They are picking books that...
2nd Oct 2023
Pupils in P7 have been embracing the opportunity to research a range of countries...
2nd Oct 2023
In Primary Seven, the children have been exploring how sound is made. In order to...
29th Sep 2023
P4 had lots of fun meeting their new P1 buddies today! We were particularly excited...